As we continue to observe Women’s History Month in the United States, the world joins together today, March 8th, to celebrate International Women’s Day. Both of these commemorations aim to shine a spotlight on the many contributions that women have made to history and in contemporary society.
The theme for National Women’s History Month in 2024 is “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.” Likewise, International Women’s Day recognizes the collective action for creating gender parity. These shared themes celebrate women who have worked to eliminate bias and discrimination to create a more equitable society. Through their families, civic, community and religious groups, businesses, and legislative bodies, women are examining and reimagining our societies through the lenses of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
IEI commends the women who have marked history with their vision and action, and we thank the women in our firm, our families, and our communities for their boundless efforts to make the world more accessible, equitable, and inclusive.
For more information about Women’s History Month, visit