Fresh Creek Basin Infrastructure Upgrades
This NYCDDC project involved 2.3 miles of new sanitary and storm sewers and 0.63 miles of water main replacement work in the Fresh Creek Basin Area in Brooklyn. This High-Level Sewer Separation (H.L.S.S.) project, covering 443 acres area was planned to reduce by 230 MG/Yr the CSO discharges to Fresh Creek Basin. The reduction of flow to existing combined sewers reduced the load during wet weather to the 26th Ward Sewer Treatment Plant. The purpose of this $40M project was to improve the infrastructure, including roadways, sewers, and water mains in the Fresh Creek Basin area of Brooklyn, NY.
The scope of this project included building and extending storm sewers compliant with the NYCDEP drainage plan, upgrading storm and sanitary sewers and replacing unlined cast iron water mains to improve water distribution and fire protection. New water mains, hydrants, valves, and concrete box storm sewers were installed. Sidewalks, curbs and roadways, street lighting, and traffic signals were replaced as needed. IEI was a sub-consultant to APTIM Engineering for this Resident Engineer Inspection Services project. Because this project took place in a populated, highly transited, urban area, there was a need for structured communication with the local residents. IEI provided community outreach services and coordinated with the residents, NYCDDC, and the Resident Engineer to ensure that construction schedules remained on track.
- Program Management
New York City Department of Design and Construction